Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Hello, lovelies! How are all of you?

I've finally made it to England! It is so pretty here, and the school's campus is gorgeous. I really don't think I could have made a better choice. The weather is perfect here, too! Sure it can be a little rainy, but I love the rain. It's proper October weather, too. It's mostly been around 10-15˚C. Perfect weather!! Around this time it is normally 32˚C in Florida. So hot!! I'm also not used to the voltage, and had my converter up too high and ruined my flat iron! Ah I feel so stupid for forgetting to turn down the setting.

I've not had internet in such a long time it feels like! I had ordered a pack that had an adapter, and I didn't get it until today; my laptop has been dead since Monday!

Anyway, I've got a few pictures from around campus and in town, so I will share them if you don't mind!
There are so many ducks on campus! They also walk right up to your feet looking for food! That day all of these ducks came right up to me and started quacking at me. I looked at them and said "I'm sorry guys, I have no food for you!" and the duck got upset and quacked angrily at me while walking away! Rude haha.
This is what part of the town looks like! Sorry for the slightly blurred picture as I was walking! Sadly, all the shops seem to close quite early. This was around 1800! We did end up finding a good bar/comedy club to stop and have a drink! I've been hanging out with two of my flatmates a lot.
This is the last picture I have, and it's the view I have from my window! I live on the top floor of my building, so I have the best view I think! (Though some of the other houses have more floors.)

I wish I had more pictures, but a lot of my time has been spent sorting out registration and unpacking. There are also parties every night because it is Fresher's Week! My flatmate has gone to every one so far, but I have only been to the one on Sunday and the one last night. Both times were very fun but whew, I don't think I've ever been to such big parties or had so much to drink!

I will come back next time with more photos. I've also opened my Nudy Grey vials, so I can review those soon! I forgot to take pictures of them in the vials though, oh well.

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