Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This little cutie is a Fwamuu! It's a なでなで (petting) app for iPhone, and I love it so much.

It's my new favorite app, it's something that's super easy and not too involved, and it's kind of calming!  Really all you do is pet it!  You get points for however long you pet it, and you can use your points to buy cute little accessories (see the little brown bow!) and different backgrounds.  You can go to other people's houses and pet their pets and give them little treats.

I've named mine Bach, which is Welsh for "small".  My favorite app, and it's free.

They learn tricks, too! Cute little things.  One of them is "Banzai" and he raises his arms and goes WHEEEEE.  Though he doesn't actually say whee.

Those of you who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy your families and good food, I know I will!

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