It seems like lately everyone has been revamping their blogs. Jumping on the bandwagon now! I think I had the same theme since I first started writing on this blog, BUT NO MORE. The header and background are from The Cutest Blog on the Block mostly because I've been way too lazy (and not on my laptop often enough) to create a new header and background, so that will come later! This for now. I thought it was cute! I don't know what to put in the left space on the header though. Any ideas?
I haven't really been able to do much this week. Been helping mum get our house in shape. So much painting. I never want to paint another door in my life! I've also put myself on a spending freeze (though I have spent some). I need to save every penny I have for England! Yahey! I haven't been online much at all, either (mostly because we've been out of town getting the house together). Been taking a nice break from constantly being on my laptop, and it's been quite nice! I've had time to sit down and start reading again and catch up on my letters!
I suppose the only really exciting things that have happened have been the arrival of my lenses, the shorts my mum bought me, and altering my dress.
L-R: Princess Mimi Apple Green, Princess Mimi Sesame Grey, Nudy Grey
This is the greatest amount of Geos that I've ever had! Normally the styles I like don't come in power (or a strong enough power) for me! I'm not going to open them just yet because I have two pairs open already, and I haven't really been wearing them. Don't have many opportunities to get really dressed up and wear my lenses day to day like I did when I had classes. These lenses (except the sesame grey) will get reviewed later on, but for right now, they're going to stay sealed.
Mum picked up these shorts for me today! She surprised me with them. They're so cute. I love the plaid and how the pockets are meant to extend passed the hem. :3 They're really comfortable but a little snug. :X Just shows me that I've gotten a little too comfortable since I've been home. Need to whip myself back into shape!
I've also finally started altering my lace dress to fit me. I've taken up the hem so far (still need to put in another row of stitches), and I just need to take in the sides, and it should fit right.
I want to tentatively say that my next post might be a skin care post (more bandwagon jumping!) but at the same time, I do have a BB Cream and some nail lacquer reviews drafted, they just need pictures and they're ready to go.
Saw these on Lulu's blog and absolutely fell in love with them. I've been dying for some pink lenses, and well, I finally got them!
Power Available : 0.00 to -10.00
Life Span : 1 Year
B.C : 8.6mm
Diameter : 14.5mm. Effect up to 16mm
Origin: South Korea
This model is manufactured by Dueba and labelled under DollyEye watermark.
I think I expected the pink to reach a little further to the centre than it does, but they're still gorgeous. I love this colour so much.
In the case the pink looks pastel, but like it might still be vibrant? I have light eyes, so I hope it'll show up nicely.
And post that last sentence, I have since worn them. For a pink lens, they blend quite naturally, which is a bit disappointing. It's difficult to see the pink of the lens, and ends up making my colour look like a light natural brown (so I've been told by a friend). Not what I was looking for in a pink lens. I was really hoping for something a little more vibrant and noticeable.

Natural Light (Sunlight)

Indoor Light

Enlargement: 5/5
Very noticeable enlargement because of the thick, black limbal ring. The enlargement was one of my main reasons for buying these lenses.
Comfort: 5/5
These lenses are so comfortable. I'd go so far as saying these are almost as comfortable as my Princess Mimis.
Colour/Design: 3/5
I was hoping these would be a bit more vibrant than they are. I also thought the design would go more toward the centre than it does. Unfortunately it doesn't, and the colour isn't too noticeable.
Overall Thoughts:
These lenses are really comfortable, and they're quite enlarging; which I like. I was quite disappointed with the colour and the design, and that's something that will keep me from buying them again in the future. Unless of course my taste changes over time, and I start to like more subtle lenses. Right now, I doubt I would buy them again, but I really couldn't ask for more comfortable lenses.

Oh what is my face doing in these pictures, ha. I wanted to take a picture with my bb, but he just didn't want to stay! He jumped off my lap right after that picture.
I've also got two vials of Princess Mimi unopened and a pair of Nudys on their way to me, so I'll review those at some point, too! I ordered Princess Mimi Cafe Macchiato, too, but unfortunately they went out of stock before they could ship to me, so it got cancelled! For the best I suppose, I have enough lenses, for now!
You can buy them at Lens Village!
Also, please feel free to share tips to better my blog and reviews! They're always welcome. I took Sam's advice to use kohl and mascara on my bottom lashes, does it look better? :3
I had planned for my next post to be a review of my Kira Kira pink lenses, but change of plans! I was nominated for a Liebster Blog Award by Sam. Her blog is one of my favourites, and she's a super nice and quality blogger, so be sure to check her out! I've never been nominated for anything before, so thank you, Sam! I'm flattered you thought to include me as well in your nominations :3

I had never heard of this award before! My blogging history has been a bit spotty, and as a result, this is the longest stretch of time that I've consecutively blogged (and I'm not giving up now!). This is the first I'm hearing of this award. This award is for bloggers who have under 200 followers, and it's meant to help those bloggers gain a larger audience. I'll put faith in Sam's translation of this award which is "An award for the blog I like the most". After all, who better to trust for a translation than the native speaker?!
It's been a while since the last time I had Dolmades/Dolmadakia. I actually don't know what exactly to call them, because I've grown up calling them Dolmades but in Greek they're Dolmadakia? I'm not sure. Either way, they're the same thing. Stuffed grape leaves.
Normally I only get to have them when we go out for Greek food or if we end up attending a Greek Festival, but since I've moved, there haven't been many places for me to have that opportunity. My mum doesn't cook them either. It's all Italian here, because she's not my Greek side! I had my fingers crossed that my innate Greek would make this attempt go off flawlessly.
I think it went well!

Grape leaves remind me of the tree stars from The Land Before Time! They look kind of similar, don't they?!

I always grew up having them stuffed with meat and rice and some vegetables, but because I rarely eat meat anymore, I found a couple of recipes online, combined and removed what I didn't want, and made a vegetarian version. This one is onion, rice, pignoli, parsley, and mint. (I burned some of the rice a little by accident!)
I don't have any photos of the process because well my fingers were covered in oil and rice from stuffing the leaves, and I definitely didn't want to get that all over my phone.

The end result of my first foray into Greek cuisine.
To me they taste just like ones that I've had in a restaurant, and they're delicious. Clearly my inner Greek decided to show itself and help out! I won't be making these often though. They take forever! Or maybe that's just because it was my first time. I want to say, all said and done, it took me about four hours-ish. Between rinsing and draining and boiling the grape leaves, to browning the onions and cooking the rice, and removing the stems then wrapping it all and an hour to cook. Definitely time consuming, but it was a lot of fun! Definitely something I would do again in the future when I have more free time.
I wish I could share them! Even though I've already eaten a bunch of them, my tummy is rumbling just writing this post!
Happy June! This year is just flying by. Only a few more months until school starts up again! So much to do. Anyway, when I was cleaning out my wallet the other day, I found a F21 gift card. Such a surprise. I forgot all about it, but for my birthday my friend had gotten me a gift card. So I figured, 'Why not?' and did a bit of shopping. I'm surprised at how much I was able to get. I haven't been in a F21 store in ages, and it's been even longer since I've been on the website. I was pleasantly surprised at what they had, and just about everything I got was from the sale section, with a few exceptions.
I was unsure of this bag. I took it in and out of my cart so many times before finally deciding to get it, and I'm glad I did. I thought it would be a lot smaller than it is, but it's actually quite large! Perfect for travel.
Picked up some cosmetic items. I've never needed an eyelash curler because my lashes are naturally quite long and curled, but I thought it would make using falsies much easier, so I thought why not!
The two lashes on the right I bought for my mum. She expressed an interest in falsies when she saw mine, so I bought her some to play with!
I love this dress, but unfortunately it's a bit too big. I wish they had a smaller size, but they didn't have the option online, so I will have to take it in a bit! Fortunately, the seams are in such a place that it will be easy to take in the top a bit and take up the skirt a little! The fabric was amazing though. I was expecting for the quality to be lower, and the fabric to be a lot lower quality than it is, but it's so nice and soft. Love the bandeau, too. A lot of the ones I've tried in the past have been ill-fitting, but this one fits perfectly. I want lace everything this season!
I'm addicted to hats, and couldn't pass this one up.
Picked up the necklace for my friend! She loves Seungri from Big Bang, and seeing as his nickname is Panda, I thought it was a cute gift!
I was really pleasantly surprised about the quality of the items from F21. I'm so used to everything being quite low-quality and cheap, and really not durable at all. If I didn't have the gift card, I don't think I would have bought anything, but I'm glad I did. It was a pleasant surprise, and looking online is so much nicer than looking in the stores. At least when it comes to F21. I hate stores that have all their product crammed together. It makes it so difficult to find anything appealing and takes so much time!