I have a midterm due Thursday! Fun fun. I'm so glad the semester is almost over. Though, I suppose I can't call it a semester, only two months! I'm not going to get two As like I wanted. Apparently everything that has been drilled into me over the years pertaining to writing is wrong. So I'm struggling a bit. As long as I can pass with a B, I suppose I'll have to accept it. I won't be happy about it, but it's acceptable. I'm still trying hard for two As, but I think I might only get one.
Anyway, not why I'm writing this. I bought a new body wash the other day, and I just used it for the first time today. It's Olay, which I've never used before.
It has Rose scent and almond oil, which is nice. I like Rose, but I don't use a lot of rose products because a lot of the time the scent is too strong for me. This rose scent is just right, and my skin is definitely noticeably softer. It was so nice after a rough day of struggling to read one of my school books. The scent was relaxing and now my skin is super silky satiny smooth and I can't be happier.
Anyway, I'll replace with my own pictures later~ and next post will be after my midterm and a BB Cream review!